Blue light has a dark side
What is blue light? The effect blue light has on your sleep and more. Althoug..
Biases in algorithms hurt those looking for information on health
YouTube hosts millions of videos related to health care. The Health Information Nationa..
Why transgender people are ignored by modern medicine
Getty ImagesTransgender people make up a significant minority in some countries but their med..
EU and UNDP supply protective respirators to medical workers in Donetsk Oblast
15,000 protective respirators will help medical workers in Donetsk Oblast respond effectively..
The Evolution Of Telemedicine
By Laura Guy, OhmniLabs Early into the pandemic, Dr. Jonathan W..
Space Omics and Medical Atlas (SOMA) across orbits
A visual summary of the 44 papers in the SOMA package is also available ..
FreeStyle Libre Honored by Prix Galien
The FreeStyle Libre Flash Glucose Monitoring System is a continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) ..
What is medical imaging?
Medical imaging, also known as radiology, is the field of medicine in which medical professi..